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19th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

During the night a further 7,000 men have been taken from Suvla and ANZAC. During this last day of the evacuations the allies still have to remove some 16,000 men from the sectors.

The Turks occasionally shell the beaches at Suvla, but there is no suggestion that they are aware of the full scale evacuation that is happening.

British artillery begin shelling Turkish positions at Helles in advance of a troop attack. The aim of the attack is to divert Turkish attentions away from Suvla and ANZAC and allow the evacuations to continue undisturbed.

In the afternoon British troops begin their attacks at Helles. They make some gains but they are quite limited.

From 5 pm the trenches at Suvla and ANZAC begin to empty and troops make their way silently to the beaches.

Nearer 6pm the first of the front line trenches begin to empty.

The evacuation operation goes on throughout the night with the Turks seemingly unaware on only occasional sniper fire during the night.

18th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

Turkish artillery targets Lone Pine and the ANZAC zone in the morning.

Preparations continue for the final stages of the evacuation. The numbers of men on the front lines at ANZAC and Suvla have been thinned out to approximately a quarter of their usual strength.

In the evening the HMS Mars leaves ANZAC with 2,000 men on board, while a stream of men from various regiments make their way from the trenches to the beaches.

17th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

Turkish artillery targets Lone Pine.

Trenches of the Inniskilling Fusiliers at Gully Ravine are shelled again.

Turkish artillery shells the beach at Suvla in the afternoon which holds up the evacuation process for a short while.

16th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

Weather is calm which allows allied work on evacuation scheme to continue.

The day is largely quiet apart from occasional sniping and artillery fire.

Troops in the sections to be evacuated are told to continue as doing everything as normal so the Turks do not suspect anything is amiss.

15th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

Allied troops in both evacuation sectors are now fully aware of the plan to leave Suvla and ANZAC and work continues apace to get everything off that part of the peninsula.

Turkish artillery attacks the trenches of the Inniskilling Fusiliers at Gully Ravine, Helles zone. Four men are killed.

14th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

The evacuation process is delayed slightly in the early morning because of fog.

Turkish artillery attack on Lone Pine.

Allies begin to destroy any materials that they are leaving behind them after evacuation. Nothing useful is to be left for the Turks.

Members of the British 86th Brigade, who have been at Gallipoli since 25 April, begin embarkation at Suvla.

The evacuation process at Suvla and ANZAC continues throughout the day and night.

13th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

Bad weather in the morning prompts concerns that the schedule for the evacuation may be delayed.

The New Zealand Wellington Battalion and the British 160th Brigade begin their evacuations from Suvla.

12th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

The last two remaining French warships leave the Dardanelles fleet and head home.

Hill 10 at Suvla shelled throughout the morning by the Turks.

Turkish artillery attacks V Beach which halts the unloading of supplies in the afternoon.

More sections of the British 53rd Division are moved to the beach at Suvla for evacuation. All but the front lines are being thinned out ready for the final evacuation.

11th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

Turks begin the morning by shelling positions at Helles.

Australians begin shelling Turkish positions at Lone Pine.

Allied troops at Suvla begin moving their equipment away from the lines and onto the beaches ready for collection and removal.

10th December 2015

7:00 - 2015

Today at Gallipoli

Full rations restored for allied soldiers on the peninsula.

Turkish artillery targets allied positions at Kiretch Teppe.

Preparations for the evacuation continue. The allies start having quiet hours so that the Turks become used to a lack of activity. Mines are also laid in front of allied positions which can be detonated in case the Turks discover the evacuation and launch a full scale attack.